
2. You can ride the escalator up but have to___on foot. A. rise B. seck C. deeline D. descend 3. The whole city, 75% of___ factories and buildings were gone, lay in ruins. A. Whose B. which C .that D.who 4. There___ no fun...

4. You can make it up two flights of stairs and feel pretty good. 可以一连上两段楼梯,而且还感觉良好。 截图来自商业内幕网 If you want to become a ripped bodybuilder or ultra...

Can you get rid of it for me? 2. 等一下,我得系下鞋带。 Hold up, I gotta tie my shoes up. (×) 这个句子当中有两个地方容易出现错误,“等一下”我们常用的表达有: hold on a secon...

U can U up 典型“Chinglish”(中式英语)逆袭,该词被收入到美国俚语字典。翻译过来很好理解:“你行你上”意欲表达对于毫不费力的看客、说风凉话的伪评论家的嘲讽。比较有名的应用是今年春晚过后,方舟子在微博对“小彩旗”提出质疑后冯小刚导演对他的回复“you can you...

you can you up🤣球迷让加纳乔好好踢,加纳乔回怼:你行你上啊 球迷:“加纳乔,你今天传球的质量要更好一点,求你了,传得好点,进一个球,再改进一下你的停球,可以吗?”加纳乔:“你怎么不去踢球呢?哥们。”

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